I called my project “Youthful Chastity”. I am a mother, I am raising not only a girl, but also a boy. It is very important for me that my children are full-fledged personalities. In our modern world, talking about chastity is ridiculous, old-fashioned.
Someone will say that this concept is more suitable for girls than boys. But if you approach this topic much deeper, I think that the concept of chastity is not alien to young people. Young people are very delicate and fragile, they are very easy to injure and spoil their way of life for the rest of their lives. You can’t waste yourself, you can’t cut yourself into pieces, giving away pieces of yourself to everyone.
Young girls and boys, when they maintain their chastity, prolong their lives. Many will laugh at this topic, but I hope that there will be those who will accept and explore this topic and find many facts that say the opposite. It is enough to recall such heroes as Alexander the Great and Joseph, who became the second after the Pharaoh in Egypt.
Two heroes, two opposite personalities, two great men, two young men. But one died in the prime of his powers, and the other lived until old age. Explore their lives and you’ll see what I’m getting at.